27.12.2010 Public by Mezahn

An analysis of the topic of the values and a set of beliefs ideas and morals

Morals, Values, and Ethics Morals, values and ethics define who we are and what we believe. Culture, religion, and many other things affect our beliefs. One uses various types off ethics when surrounded by different groups. Knowing between right and wrong is a good .

Morals are a set of rules that differentiate the right from wrong based on the belief system of society, culture, religion, etc.

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Values are a set of rules that are set by an individual person. They often dictate the behavior, personality and the way of living for a particular individual. Though many people believe that they are the same and can be used interchangeably, they are mistaken. These are ethics that have already been set for us and we have to conform to them while growing up.

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From the moment that a person is born, they are often told that steeling is bad, being polite is good, offering help is good and being mean is bad. These are examples of morals, which have been passed down in generations. Descriptive phenomenology thesis vary significantly depending on the region, culture, religion etc.

Many cultures stated that Gods demand a human sacrifice and this was morally acceptable; however other cultures state that murder of any person, under any condition is morally wrong. It can be influenced by morals, family, background, upbringing, etc. You touched on every aspect of goodness and I think there is something in this hub for everyone who is searching for "more".

Difference between Morals and Values

Steven Miller 4 years ago from Ohio Great City of Dayton To start what has been my main influence was my struggles growning up. This is what has led me to know there is a God. I understand on my conscous level that there is a creator and from birth we are instilled with love. Someone has to teach us how to hate. I truly believe that we all are created equal and we should take in consideration of others feeling.

Even if they are a believer or non believer. It does not matter because I may believe in something higher but everyone struggles and still don't come to the Immigrants group in the us conclusion.

Sometimes struggles lead me astray,but eventually I come back to my understanding of things and realize that I may have to prove my faith when it becomes tested. If it were not for the creator then were would we truly be? This was an amazing hub thanks. Many blessing to you and may your life be filled with love, hope, faith, compassion, strength and very strong willpower We will be tested on our faith each day. Patricia Scott 4 years ago from sunny Florida Catherine I just wanted to come back since you left such a Nicomachean ethics happiness essay notewe are so blessed to have so many who care!!!

It helps lighten our load. Thank you hardly says it but "thank you. Patricia Scott 4 years ago from sunny Florida That is a good quote I can listen to a differing opinion and respect someone's else right to have that view while not 'buying into it.

Difference Between Morals and Ethics (with Examples and Comparison Chart) - Key Differences

I'm glad you liked it. Maybe non-religious types can just say "YES! What's the secular humanist's version of "amen"? I liked your comment.

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Ethics only work if people have inherently good morals and values--good grounding as you put it. What I am doing in this essay is asking people to examine their beliefs, morals and values to see if they are in totally conformance with "good.

FlourishAnyway 4 years ago from USA Regarding cultural tolerance and treatment of women, your quote about not being so open-minded that your brains fall out is one of the best quotes I have seen in a long time.

We talk so much about values but so many people behave so erratically, as if they have no ethical grounding or moral code. It can be alarming. In fact, HP does like this hub. It has a score of According to HP, it is votes that result in a good hub score so thanks for your thumbs up. Very professionally presented with intellectual propriety.

A definite thumbs up! Your comments have added valuable points to my post. I appreciate your praise and votes. Venkatachari M 4 years ago from Hyderabad, India You have discussed it so reasonably and aptly.

Difference Between Morals and Ethics

As you said, ethics and morals are related to each other. Morals depend more on religion and beliefs. But ethics are based on social thinking and are more reasonable based on practical life. We can have our own beliefs and values but they should not inflict disturbance or injury to other person's life.

We should keep them for our own life and should not impose on others. But there should be some general code of conduct which everyone should follow to live in a society.

Essay on Values: Meaning, Characteristics and Importance

That code of conduct or ethics, as you can term it, should be for betterment of society as a whole, Not for profit research papers be decent, harmless and reasonable.

Exceptions can be there always according to some unavoidable circumstances depending upon individual cases. But that should not be considered as a general code or practice. Thanks for creating this wonderful topic with your great analysis and opinions. Voted up, beautiful and interesting. I will respect another person's cultural choices when it comes to a preference for atonal music but not when it is about subjugating women. Hannah David Cini 4 years ago from Nottingham A very interesting and well argued piece.

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I agree with you strongly about cultural relativism, if we start to Arabic research papers that way where do we draw the line? I really enjoyed reading this and look forward to more of your work. Nice of you to stop by and comment. Moral and ethical issues are more complex than they seem at first. Thank you for your comments.

As I began to write this I realized the topic was much too big for under words.

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All I could do was introduce the issues to get people to think about them. English philosopher and statesman essays want people to think about what is "good" and then apply reason instead of rules to decide how to be good. As you said, the do unto others rule is pretty ironclad. Thank you for sharing. I will say that my family was easily my biggest influence John Hansen 4 years ago from Queensland Australia Wow Catherine, this hub posed some important questions as to what is ethical, moral and good etc.

The definitions of the various terms was very interesting and there is a fine line between some of them.

An analysis of the topic of the values and a set of beliefs ideas and morals, review Rating: 95 of 100 based on 143 votes.

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10:57 Kagajin:
Is assisted suicide ethical?

16:36 Tojora:
Sometimes man can learn from the experience of others also. It has a score of I do not think that religion guides people in terms of morality and ethics or in terms of doing harm as much as most people seem to think.

15:12 Mooguran:
As you said, the do unto others rule is pretty ironclad. Thank you hardly says it but "thank you. These lead to the ends to be achieved.

12:00 Sagami:
As you said, the do unto others rule is pretty ironclad.