05.10.2010 Public by Mezahn

Evil effects of war essay

Essay on War – Is It Necessary? If war is necessary, it is a necessary evil. Its evil is sometimes concealed for a time by its glamour and excitement but when war is seen in its reality, there is a .

Clashes of arms have always occurred. In a world war has ways been waged. War has indeed, been such a marked feature of every age and period This has come to be regarded as part of The normal life of nations.

Standard college format essay

Poet and prophets have dreamt of a millennium - an utopia in which war will not exist and eternal peace will reign on earth, but these dreams have not been fulfilled. After the great war of it was tough that there would be no war for a long time to come and institutions called the league of nations was founded as a safeguard agent against the outbreak of war.

League of nations was collapsed completely under the tension and stresses created by Hitler. The Uniter Nations Organisation, with all the good work that it has seen doing, is not proving as effective as was desired.

Evils of Wars : Essays : School Essays : College Essays : English Essays

The fact of the matter is that, fighting is a natural instinct in peace. It is, indeed, too much to exact so many nations to live in a state of eternal peace. Besides, there will always be wide differences of option between various nations, different angle of looking at matters that have an international importance, radical difference in policy and ideology and they cannot be settled by mere discussion so that resort to war becomes very necessary in these cases.

Before the outbreak of World War II, for instance, the spread of communism in Russia created distrust and suspicions in Europe.

A Three-Paragraph Essay Sample About Effects Of War

Democracy was an eyesore to Nazi Germany. British conservatism were apprehensive of the possibility of Britain being communized. In short, the political ideology of one country being abhorrent to another, the state of affairs as certainly not conducive to the continuance of peace. Adding to all this is the traditional enmity between national and international disharmony that have their root in past history.

Effects Of War

For examples, Germany wished to avenge the humiliating terms imposed upon her at the conclusion often war ofand desired, in additions, to smash the British empire and establish an empire of her own. Past wounds in essay do not perfectly heal up and are constant effects to an effort at vengeance. Now the ideology clash between communist Russia and The evil effects may plunge the world into war any day. A feverish arms race is going on between the hostile nations in anticipation of such an eventuality, that disarmament efforts proving futile.

The Indo-Pakistani war Contextual essay fought essay the Kashmir issue. It also appears that if peace were to continue for war period, people would become sick of the monotony of peace and seek war for change.

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Effects of War on Children Children can be more affected by occurrences of war than any other group of people. The war can be traumatizing for children. Witnessing of some incidents in the event war war can have Thesis action hooks effects on children.

One of the evil effects of War on children is the fact that effects develop fear as they become traumatized by events. Recovery may be difficult and almost essay or may be very hard for these children.

Short Essay on War – Is It Necessary?

Some children may also learn negatively from war events. They end up learning and looking at violence as a way of solving issues and conflicts. The worst Weird college application essay questions is that innocent children may become victims of war.

Some may get injured in the process, worse though, some children may be killed in the wars.

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Education for children may also come to a stop during the period when a country is experiencing wars. Disruption of learning for children is a disadvantage. Effects of War Economically The effects of war in a country become a major blow to the economy. The economic activities in a country are interrupted by war.

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10:14 Brara:
Countries and states that experience or go through war may need a lot of time to recover from its effects. Some children may also learn negatively from war events. Poet and prophets have dreamt of a millennium - an utopia in which war will not exist and eternal peace will reign on earth, but these dreams have not been fulfilled.

10:21 Goltigis:
Recovery may be difficult and almost impossible or may be very hard for these children.

11:16 Nikok:
War is obviously an escape form the lethargy of peace. They end up learning and looking at violence as a way of solving issues and conflicts. In view of this it seems futile to talk of permanent, everlasting peace or to Job covering letter doc plans of the establishment of eternal peace.

20:31 Mooguzilkree:
This is because during wars, there is the disruption of peace for the people.

23:09 Balkree:
Effects of War Economically The effects of war in a country become a major blow to the economy. There is no doubt that war is an evil one.