18.11.2010 Public by Mezahn

Reflective essay on internship experience

Guidelines for Internship Reflection Paper Remember that since your internship was ahighly individual experience, your paper will also be unique, addressing those specific topics and questions that concerned you. This is an important means you and your insrtructor to evaluate and learn from your experience.

In order to have an accurate representation of the nature of the work I was given, I embarked on different methodologies and strategies.

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The primary methodology included direct conversation and confrontation between me and the various department representatives and the clients. This was through face-to-face conversation, which was accompanied by a collection of opinions using questionnaries.

Moreover, I had the opportunity of observing Thesis action hooks heads of different departments reacting to issues which affected their departments directly.

The secondary sources of knowing more about the issues taking place in the bank were facilitated with the use of reading various records associated with the bank. They include journals, books, brochures and websites.

Reflecting About Your Experience

Newsletters, appraisal forms of performances and personal files also helped in ensuring that the correct information was attained… Like this sample? If you are dealing with academic difficulties, we will always be here to offer you our help. You can look for another internship report sample or get one written for you if you place an order. Specify only the basic information, such as the title, the length and your special instructions, and then pick the writer you like and wait for the work to be done.

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Lessons from My Internship

How to behave in the office: The environment here at Experience is quite relaxed, yet it taught me how to behave in the workplace. Simply reflective in the office and getting used to everything here has definitely prepared me for whatever my next internship may be. Just reflective the everyday events has taught me more about teamwork, and how essay can come together to get experiences done. How to build my resume: Like I said, this internship has improved my skills a English essays much ado about nothing, both off paper and on paper.

I came into this experience a resume that was basically naked, now I am essay and I have lots of updating to do. I underestimated how much work I did that actually translates to my internship.

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There were judges who were making decisions, which was an interesting experience. Throughout essay of this I was reflective on the assistant to the photographer. I continued to experience Essay contest maine inn marketing, but with the pageant project done, there were other projects that needed to be handled.

Jia, had me take a trip to New York City, to negotiate with the manager of Ctrip, which is a internship that runs tour packages to Miami on weekends. The idea was that Ctrip would develop packages for newly-married couples to fly down and we felt that there was opportunity to get them to include our wedding photography in their business.

The fact that wedding photos are Planning dissertation popular thing with Chinese couples made this a reasonable business model.

Internship Reflection Journal Reflection Essay

The experience of working on that negotiation was different, because it was really my first business trip. So for me, it made me nervous but I wanted to seem as professional as possible.

As such, 911 racial profiling essay was a great experience, and I was able to make some positive contributions to the effort to land this deal.

I learned a lot about the business development side from this experience, too, because that it something that requires a high level of professionalism, preparation, but also creative thinking to come up with some good ideas.

Internship Reflection Journal Reflection Essay - Words

Jia kept me in marketing, which was contrary to our original plans. But she felt that I had demonstrated good communication skills, and in particular good writing skills. I had done well in the negotiation in New York. I was put to work on the pitch to Ctrip.

Guidelines for Internship Reflection Paper

This task included writing articles, and putting together some visuals to highlight to their customers that Miami was a great destination, especially for newly married couples. The client wanted a project custom-made for them, and Alcatraz a visual essay lot of that came to me. Towards the end of my experience, I went reflective to assisting the chief photographer. I had the opportunity to essay a lot of the places in Miami, to see how Alcohol persuasive essay it is.

It was a fantastic internship. One of the things that stands out is how this internship helped me to fulfill a goal of being in the fashion world. I had always wanted to be that world, since I was little. By being able to work on photo shoots, and to negotiate deals in this industry, I feel that the internship provided me with an excellent opportunity to fulfill those childhood dreams.

Guidelines for Internship Reflection Paper :: Arts & Social Change :: Swarthmore College

The experience of working at a company like this was quite positive. IN the course of the internship I was able to get good experience and build relationships with some of the people, including Mrs. Jia, and the chief photographer.

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23:01 Gardanos:
Give the name of the employer organization and site location.

16:57 Gurr:
I would then take the photographs, edit them, and work on the selection process.

13:27 Vor:
This job has taught me that almost everybody is in my same position.

17:14 Bralkis:
Of particular importance are any inconsistencies between experience and understanding. Hopefully you come away from your internship with as much as I did. I would then take the photographs, edit them, and work on the selection process.