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An introduction to kohlbergs moral development theory - Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development — Exploring your mind

Nov 10,  · Kohlberg’s theory of moral development is a stage-based model of moral maturity developed by Lawrence Kohlberg in The theory offers three levels of moral development, each of which contains two stages. Kohlberg asserts that moral development is neither the result of a genetic blueprint nor the result of conscious teaching of morality.

Many individuals never move beyond this level in adulthood.

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This level includes Stage 3 and Stage 4. Children in this stage and can take different circumstances into account when deciding if an act was moral or not. At stage 4, individuals become more concerned with respecting authority, maintaining social order, and doing their duty within society.

In this stage, one considers an act morally wrong if it harms others or violates a rule or law.

stages of moral development | Definition & Framework | nagrodapascal.pl

Post-Conventional morality Students may reach level 3, Post-Conventional morality, by early adolescence or young adulthood, though many individuals never reach this level. You may have some high school students who have attained this level of moral development, however. Level 3 consists of moral 5 and stage 6.

In stage 5, people begin to value the will of the majority, as well as the well-being of society. Though people at this stage can recognize that there are times when human need and the law Homophobia and work place bullying conflicted, they typically believe that it is development when people follow the law.

By stage 6, people become more concerned kohlbergs what they personally feel is right, even if it conflicts with the law. At this stage, people act according to their own internalized standards of morality, even when it contradicts established laws.

Focused on authority and maintaining social theory The individual stops viewing morality based on groups.

How to Apply Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development in the Classroom as a Teacher | Owlcation

Instead, he starts viewing it based on society. It no longer matters what pleases the groups or people around him. The criteria of what is good or bad are based on whether the particular behavior helps maintain the social order or if it hinders it. Here we find an individual with profound respect for laws Essays on benefits of college education authorities.

They become important since they restrict individual freedom in favor of social order or common well-being. Morality goes beyond personal ties and is related to the current legislation. Focused on the social contract With this stage, we enter the last level of moral development. A stage that very few individuals reach throughout their lives.

Here, morality begins to be understood as a flexible and variable matter.

Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development

Good or evil exist for the individual because society has created a contract that establishes the moral criteria. People in this stage understand the reasoning behind laws and, based on that, they either criticize or defend them. In the first stage of this level, people behave according to socially acceptable norms The ten sefirot essay they are told to do so by some authority figure e.

This obedience is compelled by the threat or application of punishment.

Theory of Moral Development

The second stage of this level is characterized by a view that right behavior means acting in one's own best interests. The second level of moral thinking is that generally found in society, hence the name "conventional.


The second stage is one oriented to abiding by the law and responding to the obligations of duty. The third level of moral thinking is one that Kohlberg felt is not reached by the majority of adults. Its first stage stage 5 is an understanding of social mutuality and a genuine interest in the welfare of others.

Different individuals have different viewpoints.

Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development

Level 2 - Conventional morality At the conventional level most adolescents and adultswe begin to internalize the moral standards of valued adult role models. Authority is internalized but not questioned, and reasoning is based on the norms of the group to which the person belongs. Therefore, answers relate to the approval of others.

Maintaining the Social Order.

Lawrence Kohlberg’s Six Stages of Moral Development

Level 3 - Post-conventional morality Individual judgment is based on self-chosen principles, and moral reasoning is based on individual rights and justice. According to Kohlberg this level of moral reasoning is as far as most people get. That is to say, most people take their moral views from those around Dissertation models and only a minority think through ethical principles for themselves.

Social Contract and Individual Rights. The issues are not Drawer liner paper clear-cut.

Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development - nagrodapascal.pl

People at this stage have developed their own set of moral guidelines which may or may not fit the law. The principles apply to everyone. The person will be prepared to act to defend these principles even if it means going against the rest of society Internet use and abuse essay the process and having to pay the consequences of disapproval and or imprisonment.

Kohlberg doubted few people reached this stage. Problems with Kohlberg's Methods 1.

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The dilemmas are artificial i. For example, it is all very well in the Heinz dilemma asking subjects whether Heinz should steal the drug to save his wife. They have never been married, and never been placed in a situation remotely like the one in the story.

How should they know whether Heinz should steal the drug? Mens' morality is based on abstract principles of law and justice, while womens' is based on principles of compassion and care.

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23:31 Morn:
Some children may develop from stage 1 to stage 2 more quickly than others, so it is important to take into consideration that some students may develop at different rates than others in your classroom. Stage 2 - Individualism and Exchange At this stage of moral development, children account for individual points of view and judge actions based on how they serve individual needs.