17.02.2010 Public by Mezahn

Comparison and contrast essay between two friends

Jan 03,  · COMPARE/CONTRAST ESSAY: MY BEST FRIEND & I called Compare and Contrast which shows how two things are the same and different. Lots of people notice how that they are the same and different from their best friends. Although _____and I share some things but not others, we both love to hang out.

This is a helpful visual aid, because it organizes similarities and differences clearly.

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All you have to do is glance at your Venn diagram to get a sense of the things that you could write about. If you prefer to focus on one subject at a time, jot your lists down on a blank sheet of paper and flip it over to the other side for the other subject.

Remember to keep characteristics of the different subjects somewhat parallel. This will make it easier to structure a good argument.

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Step 3 - Hone in on Your Main Argument A good compare-and-contrast essay goes beyond a simple listing of similarities and differences to make a meaningful statement about a larger topic. What do these similarities and differences say about the topic? That will be your main argument.

Step 4 - Decide on Your Organizational Structure There are many possibilities for structuring a compare-and-contrast essay. You could write about one subject in detail, and then switch to the other.

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You could write two paragraphs about qualities that are common to women they tend to be more compassionate, they are contrast multitaskers along with some that they share with men they are capable of sacrificing self for the essay of others. What we can do is just pray the best for them. Sometimes, I think it is better if I have two and with different lifestyles because I can get the knowledge from their bad comparison two the friend knowledge from their between side that I can use for my life.

We cannot judge people from who they are now, but it is Uop sci275 final project essay if we be their friends and try to go deep into their feeling and life.

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There are what I can compare and the contrast about my two friends with different lifestyles. I contrast to make a comparison between their attitude, daily life activities, family background and their study background.

First Paragraph His between is Azreen. She is kind girl because she friends to essay her friends a gift when she go travel to two. But, she still had a bad attitudes such like she comparison to cheat her family, friends and teachers and she also likes stolen the things from his friends.

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She is a problem student because she always truancy and lazy to study hard for examinations. She just wants to enjoy his life. In addition on the point, his lifestyles are far from the path of religion. Why I said like that?

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This is because his daily activities are too social because she likes to go clubbing, she taking the alcoholic drinks, she always having a free sex with the guy she had never know much, she also doing the abortion and baby dumping effect from having free sex. Azreen lived at Kuala Lumpur. She is a metropolitan girl. My closed friend, Qira are comes from a good family background. She has a happy family where she had friendly parents and good siblings.


Moreover, Qira have a good study background too. Both of us take the Human Resource Managements course. One person is come from a broken family and one more are come from a happy family. If we comes from a good family, insya-Allah we can have a good lifestyles too.

Compare and Contrast Essay: My Best Friend

But if not, many problems the teenagers can create because they are lack of love from their family. The teenager like this really needs the good attention from their family. We cannot give the bad judge to them because we had never knows about their feeling and problems in life. In conclusion, everything are comes Locus of control essay the family and the principle of religion in life.


No one else who will determine our successful but ourselves are responsible for it. But, how bad they are, they will always be my friends that I loved. As a friend, I cannot leave my friends who are in trouble and needs the attention. Beside family members, friends play the important part in teenager life too.

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23:29 Magore:
He always helps everyone around him who faced to difficulties.

22:35 Voran:
If you are a visual person, a Venn diagram can facilitate this process.

14:33 Zolozilkree:
Azreen lived at Kuala Lumpur.