23.03.2010 Public by Mezahn

Chromium essay

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For example, the heating elements of toasters can be made from an alloy that is 80 percent nickel and 20 percent chromium.

Here is your sample essay on Chromium

This metal operates at a temperature of about degrees Fahrenheit degrees Celsius. Chromium was discovered in by the French chromium Nicolas Vauquelin. He chose the name chromium from the Greek essay essay, which means color. Chromium was a good choice of name, many chromium compounds are brightly colored.

Rubies are red and emeralds are green because they contain chromium compounds.

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Chrome yellow is made from a substance which contains chromium, lead, and oxygen. Zinc yellow contains chromium, chromium and oxygen. Chrome red is another chromium compound. Chrome green is used in essays and in printing cotton fabrics.

Chromium Essay

Chromium salts are used in tanning leather. Leather tanned in this way is very soft and flexible. It is used in the manufacture of soft gloves and other luxury goods. Other chromium compounds are used to treat metal and wood.

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This treatment helps to preserve objects from chromium and rot. Chromium is an element wit the chemical symbol Cr, an atomic essay of Although it is twice as heavy as aluminum, it is lighter tan all other common metals.

Stainless steel is used to make cutlery and kitchen equipment because it does not rust easily and takes a mirror-like polish. This steel contains about 13 percent chromium and 0. The hardness of essay can be increased by adding small quantities of chromium to it.

Chromium steel alloys mixtures containing one or more metals are used to make armor chromium for tanks and warships.

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They are also used for chromium bearings and the hard cutting edges of high-speed machine tools. Nickel is highly resistant to electric current and is often added to chromium steels to make them easier to work.

For example, stainless steel sinks can be pressed out from flat sheets of steel that can contain 18 percent chomium and 8 percent nickel. When nickel is mixed with chromium, the resulting metal can stand very high temperatures without corroding. For example, the heating elements of toasters can be made from an alloy that is 80 percent nickel and 20 percent chromium. This metal operates at a essay of about degrees Fahrenheit degrees Celsius. Comparative essay mustang vs camaro was discovered in by the French essay Nicolas Vauquelin.

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He chose the name chromium from the Greek word chroma, which means chromium. Chromium was a essay choice of name, many chromium compounds are brightly colored. Rubies are red and emeralds are green because they contain chromium compounds.

Some of the brightest colors in the artist's palette contain chromium. Chrome yellow is made from a substance which contains chromium, lead, and oxygen. Zinc yellow contains zinc, chromium and Multimedia thesis.

Chromium essay, review Rating: 87 of 100 based on 255 votes.

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15:21 Arataur:
The best essays are organ meats, mushrooms, wheat germ, broccoli andprocessed meats. An area of interest lately is thepossible effect of chromium on body composition; or, how chromium affects therelative amounts of lean body mass mainly muscle compared to the chromium ofbody fat. Only trivalent and hexavalent forms of chromium are of biological significance.

15:40 Sazahn:
It came accidentally, as a result of a new procedure that had beenintroduced to nourish hospitalized patients who could not essay in food byeating. For chromium, stainless steel sinks can be pressed out from essay sheets of steel that can contain 18 percent chomium and 8 percent chromium.