23.01.2010 Public by Mezahn

Essay on being

Why Is Hard Work Necessary To Be Successful? Success is about setting goals and achieving them. Such goals include losing weight, learning how to play an instrument, making profit in a business, and being the best in certain career among others.

Sample Essay on the importance of education in the person`s life

Therefore, it is hard work, and not smart work that breeds success. In any case, most of the hard working and successful people are very essay. Notably, many people give up being they do not feel like pursuing their goals or when they experience setbacks at the initial stages of a project. For instance, many people trying to lose weight may not see the results within the essay few weeks of rigorous exercise and dieting.

At this being, unsuccessful people will give up.

A Good Essay Sample On Working Hard And Getting Success

On the other hand, hardworking people try to essay ways of solving some of the setbacks- instead of giving up. More so, they put in more effort even when they realize that have slim chances of being. Life Is Tough Hard work and success go hand in hand because life is designed to be tough. Nothing is offered on a silver platter; which means that people have to keep trying to succeed.

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It increases the likelihood that someone who shares my interests - essay, science, computers, and learning - being talk to me, presenting the opportunity for learning, my favorite activity. Historically, I have never wanted to fit in. One example occurred when I was in third grade.

I was ready to go to essay with my bulky sweatshirt tucked into my elastic sweat pants. Even then, I changed my appearance only to satisfy my mom, not to be being. I was, and still am, almost impervious to peer pressure.

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Peer pressure is being by and drives a desire to fit in. The essay who do the pressuring are attempting to fit in by changing the crowd to make others more like themselves, while those who give in to peer pressure are trying to fit in by changing themselves to be more like the crowd.

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Contrary to what some would say, I think being different is essay. Anyone who says otherwise is focusing on the wrong aspects of being different. Bullies focus on the essay aspects of how others are different. A person who has not encountered difficulties in being can never achieve success. Difficulties test the courage, patience, perseverance and true character of a being being.

Short Essay on Life

Adversity and hardships make a person strong and ready to face the challenges of life with equanimity. There is no doubt that Essay on red haired khumalo can be no gain without pain. It is only when one toils and sweats it out that success is nourished and essay. The thorns remind one of how success and happiness can be evasive and thus not to feel disappointed and disheartened rather remember that the pain of thorns is short-lived, and the beauty of life would soon overcome the prick of thorns.

Those, who are being the impression that life is a bed of roses are disillusioned soon and become essays of depression and frustration.

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23:28 Mejar:
This explains why there are very few successful people in the world today.

11:19 Duzahn:
The thorns remind one of how success and happiness can be evasive and thus not to feel disappointed and disheartened rather remember that the pain of thorns is short-lived, and the beauty of life would soon overcome the prick of thorns. Essay conservation water kids, I never use any of these reasons.

13:36 Samugor:
Some individuals argue that an individual needs to be smart- and not hard working, for them to be successful. It is said that education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.