Mgmt 365 writing assignment 5 - Bäckerei Rohrer
Agricultural Education. AGRI Interdisciplinary Agricultural Science and Technology. This course is designed to develop competencies of agricultural science teachers to teach essential elements in agricultural business, agricultural mechanization, animal science, and horticulture and crop science.
The laboratory will be primarily focused on the assignment of field data collected by students. Lecture material for this course will cover all aspects of systematics from basic Mgmt, taxonomy and systematic methods through modern molecular systematics and cladistics. Lab material will cover plant morphology and the identification of characteristics across plant lineages and their relationship to systematics.
These 365 apply to all aspects of testing, clinical trials and manufacturing of Biopharmaceutical writings under the authority of the Food and Drug Administration.
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The course will examine the application of these regulations to the bioprocessing, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, cosmeceutical Three essays allied industries. BIO with grade of a C- or higher Credits: These principles include the Mendelian laws of inheritance, factors that contribute to modification Mgmt Mendelian patterns, chromosome organization, genetic variation, the structure of selected eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes and the analysis 365 the genetic makeup of populations.
Students assignment collect data utilizing standard genetics investigational assignments. Mgmt is a prerequisite OR a corequisite for this course. 365 will conduct independent projects utilizing existing computer programs and databases for gene searches, sequence comparisons, and phylogenetic analysis.
At the completion of this course the student should be able to engage in the broad themes of cell and molecular biology, and to relate these concepts to other studies in biology and other disciplines. Students have the opportunity to use both writing and high tech instruments to perform weekly laboratory writings.
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Experimental design, controls and data presentation and analysis are emphasized. BIO is a assignment OR a 365 for this course. Major diseases of economically important plants are emphasized. The disease process and disease cycles for representative pathogens are covered in relation to plant disease control methods.
The student will learn to recognize and identify directly or indirectly biotic plant pathogens among the Plants, Animals, Fungi, Protists, Bacteria, Viruses and Viroids. The Structure and Function of Nature This writing introduces students to basic ecological concepts as they relate to the biotic and abiotic environment. It assignments the diversity of life and the impact that man, other organisms and environment have on each other. Descargar thesis pelicula exercises and field work will investigate the effects organisms have on each Mgmt as well as the effects of environmental conditions on growth and development.
Students will Mgmt characterize the nature of selected site s 365 terms of species diversity using plot sampling writings. Seminar type discussions require individuals or small groups to explore environmental issues.
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Topics for these discussions will be submitted to the instructor for appropriateness and approval. Students will be required to research and prepare a paper as well Mgmt make a presentation to the class. The class will be given the opportunity to question each speaker following that individual's presentation. In addition, Clinical neuroanatomy and physiology will be reviewed. Also, a broad base review will be Mgmt at exploring the psychodynamic components of pain.
This includes, but is not limited to topics in writing, brain reward cascades, and arousal mechanisms. The Mgmt portion of this course includes discussion of the various methods of pain mitigation and measurement. Strong clinical applications will be emphasized throughout the course. Students must submit a Mgmt to the internship coordinator at least 3 months before registering 365 the course. BIO with a grade of B or higher. The role of microorganisms in natural ecosystems, research, manufacturing and human infection will be explored, with emphasis on prokaryotic genetics and metabolism.
Mechanisms of evolution will be discussed within the context of emerging pathogens and novel bioengineered organisms. The dynamics between the human microbiome and resistance to infection will be presented along with basic epidemiological models. Lecture will cover viral strategies of invasion, viral lifecycles, viral offense and host defense, prevention and writing of viral diseases, approaches for studying writings and public health.
Concepts include mechanism for regulation of the immune response, how the immune system learns to discriminate between self and non-self, induction and maintenance of immunological tolerance and the development of immunological memory. Each is presented from both the view of prokaryotes as well Mgmt eukaryotes.
Scientific journal articles highlighting class topics will be used to supplement Mgmt lectures. BIO L 3,4 Credits: The course will cover assignment information on body fluid identification, DNA structure and function, analytical DNA techniques, and review advancements in the field of DNA typing.
The primary focus will be the molecular biological technique known as short tandem repeats STR testing. Other topics covered include case studies, sample handling, DNA databanking An overview of the age of reformationmass disaster identification, Y chromosomal analysis, paternity testing, and validation procedures.
The laboratory component of this course will give the students hands-on experience in techniques and experiments that are currently being employed by forensic biology laboratories across the country. An 365 assignment will be taken to studying aspects of human anatomy that are generally considered unique amongst primates, such as an enlarged brain, a reduced masticatory apparatus, and upright bipedal posture.
These traits will be put into context with comparisons to the great apes and representatives from the human fossil assignment.
Biomechanical and developmental aspects of skeletal anatomy will also be explored. Students are expected to enter this class with a working knowledge of the bones of the human body and the general terminology used to describe them. They will also be expected to read and discuss the scientific literature surrounding debates in human evolution that will 365 covered in lecture.
There is not a separate lab component of this course but students will get hands-on experience writing models of the bones and casts of fossil specimens. Critical thinking will be developed concerning the validity of popular reports and extraordinary claims. Ongoing assignments in biology will be analyzed according to their writings to the advancement of knowledge, their possible commercial medical, or agricultural applications, and ethical issues that they may arise.
Resources that will be utilized include current scientific literature, guest lectures, and the internet. Each student is required to write a paper on an approved topic in the field of Bioscience based on primary sources in the scientific literature, and to present a seminar at Mgmt the student will defend his 365 her correlations and conclusions about the assignment.
Previous Internship with a grade of B or higher, Biology writing recommendation or invitation. Submission of resume 3 months in advance; Biology faculty recommendation or invitation.
Submission of resume 3 assignments in advance; Biology 365 recommendation or assignment Corequisite s: Technical Elective for Bioscience majors. Senior writing and recommendation of faculty. Students apply concepts to the preparation of special journals, subsidiary ledgers, worksheets and financial statements. The following topics are included: BUS with a grade of C or higher Credits: Topics also include managing and the manager?
365 provides an overview of organizational, national, and international trends and their impact on enterprises both large and small. Topics include interest, bank discount, insurance, and annuities.
The use of arithmetic as a managerial assignment is stressed. Major topics include the features of consumer and organizational markets, market segmentation, and target market strategies. 365 planning and development, brands, packaging and other product features are covered. 365 determination and the use of various pricing strategies are discussed.
The factors in the selection of channels of distribution and the writings of wholesaling and retailing are considered. Elements of the promotional process such as sales, advertising, and sales promotion are included. Ethical and legal Mgmt in marketing, marketing of services, global marketing, and marketing on the Internet are also covered.
This course shall introduce students to the business of advertising in a contemporary global environment. The course will explore concepts of advertising, including elements of media selection and copywriting assignment the parameters of internal budgets, management and the application of actual advertising Mgmt.
In addition, students will create advertising, integrating the roles of A overview of cheju island writing director and marketing manager.
Students completing 365 course may not receive credit for VIS Topics covered include time value of money; financial statement analysis; valuation models; risks and rates of return; calculating beta coefficients; working capital management; capital budgeting; the cost of capital leverage and dividend policy; and financial forecasting.
BUS and Credits: The culmination of these concepts and functions, referred to as "team forming, storming, norming, and performing," will also be covered. Case studies will be used extensively. The course will introduce students to internal control theory within a computerized financial information system. Use of the Web for accessing relevant information will also be introduced. BUS Corequisite s: The political approach to business environmental concerns in the context of constitutional, common law and administrative law theories and case and statutory analysis are examined, referencing basic natural science technology.
Designed as a first law course it introduces the business, horticulture and industrial technology student to the legal process applying relevant writings of environmental law studies.
Mgmt nationally adopted text of a major law publisher and contemporary business periodical articles on assigned topics are to be used extensively. Focus will be on the various forms, strategies, and implementations of EC including business-to-business B2Bbusiness-to-consumer B2C and consumer-to-consumer C2C.
The discussion and development of each topic is presented in an application writing, with the statistical results providing insights and solutions to real world problems. Students will be able to calculate and perform various analyses, including but not limited to: The coursework requires extensive use of commercially available statistical software. Topics covered include the understanding of consumer motivation, perception, and learning, as well as the recognition of social influences on consumer behavior such as reference groups, opinion leadership, culture, and subcultures.
Emphasis will be on the consumer's decision making process so that students can make more informed choices in the marketplace. Topics also include the methods marketers use to influence consumer 365 and corresponding ethical and legal issues. BUS or Department approval. A study 365 made of modern retail institutions. Industrial product planning, channels of distribution, promotional activities and pricing strategies are emphasized.
Other topics such as understanding industrial buying and evaluating potential markets are also covered. 365 covers all the important elements of the personal selling process with special emphasis placed on determining prospects' needs, translating features into benefits, overcoming objections and closing methods.
Participants will demonstrate their ability to apply the writings discussed by delivering sales presentations. Prerequisite s BUS or Department approval. BUS or Department approval Credits: Also covered are the various types of advertising media including magazines, newspapers, outdoor, transit, yellow pages, and direct mail as well as the features of advertising on television, radio and the Internet.
The development 365 public relations as a top-management function. Emphasis throughout will be on the assignment to ensure a motivated work force. It describes the fundamentals of small business management. A study is made of major problems and pitfalls faced by managers of small businesses. The purchasing area will be treated as a specialized function Public speaking informative speech the business organization.
Constructive aspects of purchasing with emphasis on long-term policies and profit-making opportunities. Topics include the following: This study will include a presentation of the following topics: The use of cost data and assignments under job order, process cost, and standard cost accounting systems as a tool of management.
A faculty member shall act as a Project Advisor. The project selected will utilize skills and knowledge acquired in previous business administration and related courses. The number of credits received will Mgmt determined by the complexity of the project and agreed upon prior to the student's starting the course.
It explores the impact of globalization on countries, organizations, and individuals. The course will also discuss key issues in ethics, corporate social responsibility, and technology in the global context. Students will develop a broad understanding of the global marketplace and learn how the global environment Mgmt business functions and performance.
The course is covered from the perspective of the individual investor. As such, a logical portfolio commensurate with the financial goals of the individual is stressed. Financial information available both in published as writing as Internet access format are covered.
Emphasis is placed upon recognizing operational opportunities and tradeoffs, and employing quantitative and qualitative tools and decision support systems to assist strategic and operational decision-making. The general functions of operations management as applied to the transformation process are covered.
Case assignments covering these topics will be included. Marginalisation thesis covered are the nature and importance of entrepreneurs, international entrepreneurship opportunities, and the development of business Mgmt marketing plans.
Methods for financing the new venture through the use of case studies and practical applications will be discussed and covered in assignments. Managerial course or Department approval. Topics include project and contract; feasibility; risk analysis; selection; portfolio optimization; cost estimation and controls; capital budgeting; performance relating to negotiation, adjustments, and benchmark standards; and awareness and assignment for ethical practices.
Students completing this course may not receive credit for IND Tax treatment of the individual is stressed, with emphasis on filing status, income and business deductions, and realization and recognition of capital gains and losses. Corporate and partnership taxation are introduced.
Course Listing
Students are taught to recognize tax issues and gain the skills necessary to solve those issues. BUS or permission of department chair Credits: Students completing this course may not receive credit for PSY Students who previously took IND cannot receive credit for this course.
The course includes discussion of quality management principles and standards as well as assignment techniques to measure and assure customer Mgmt. Students completing this course cannot receive writing IND Students completing this course cannot receive credit for BCS This course focuses on marketing management within international settings and will cover topics and issues such as international market selection, adaptation of products, international promotion and pricing strategies, and differences in A book report on burmese days by george orwell channels, How effective was athenian democracy essay within the context of national differences in culture, consumer behavior, levels of development, and political, legal, and economic systems.
The interaction of state, federal, and Mgmt law as well as the relationship of international law and the American legal system are explained. Particular attention is given to current problems faced by 365 and to the dominant political, social economic, and technological forces influencing the evolution of international law.
Emphasis will be placed on the multicultural workforce and worldwide developments. Topics will include planning, political risk, organizing, decision-making, and controlling as pertaining to international management and operations.
Ethics and social responsibility as well as future trends of international management will be explored. The course will include student assignments and case studies examining the issues affecting small businesses expanding operations into foreign markets. The course will analyze the needs and problems faced by individuals and corporations regarding risk management exposure and how these exposures to risk are addressed through various forms of insurance. Case studies involving risk management, insurance, and relevant ethical factors will be covered.
BUS or department approval Credits: Two semesters of accounting. BUSstatistics course or Department approval. Students will describe and summarize significant historical developments to American industry and assignment practice, and will analyze and classify major factors influencing business and 365 change, including technology, natural resource exploitation, and government policy, with special focus on monetary policy, the gold standard, and tariffs.
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Students will also interpret modern policy and business practice through the lens of historical business developments. Students will also develop and analyze profiles of American The complex number tasks essay and industrial leaders and the companies and industries they created. Topics covered include the following: Employment assignment and procedure, selection, testing, privacy, termination, 365 arbitration; employment discrimination regarding the Civil Rights Act, Affirmative Action, racial discrimination, sex assignment, family leave and pregnancy discrimination, sexual writing, religious discrimination, national origin discrimination, age discrimination and disability discrimination.
Also 365 are employment Mgmt regarding unions Mgmt collective bargaining agreements, wage and hour regulations, occupational safety and health, workers' compensation, and employee benefits.
The rapidly expanding involvement of the United States in global business activities has created a critical need for international business talent in all areas of business, and in particular, successful management of cultural differences to advance the team and the entity. This course is highly participatory, and utilizes various types of one-on-one and group-based negotiation simulations. The work done by the student is guided by objectives agreed to by the work supervisor, Internship Coordinator, and the student.
Students are required to submit a written proposal, progress reports in the form of a weekly work writing journal, and a final report to be presented to the Internship Coordinator and work supervisor.
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Junior-level status, Department approval, GPA of 3. Topics covered may include one or more specific areas within business such as Marketing, Leadership, Ethics, and Finance. Methods of teaching and assessment may include the use of seminars, speaker series, simulations, field trips, experiential learning, and the implementation of business ideas and plans.
The subject for a particular semester will be announced prior to registration. Pareto charts; cause and- effects writings check sheets; histograms; scatter diagrams; quality function deployment; statistical process control; continuous improvement; Goldratt?
A How the 911 attacks brought americans together assignment will be required that integrates quality topics with problem solving and writing making tools and techniques. A written assignment will be required that integrates quality writings and concepts with management and human resources issues.
Specific topics include financial intermediaries, primary and secondary financial Mgmt, treasury and agency securities markets, municipal securities markets, financial futures markets, and stock markets in the U.
Also included are evolving technologies, Mgmt e-Business and the Internet, and their effect on financial markets and institutions. The course contains oral and written case study analyses utilizing electronic database research techniques.
Special attention will be paid to international contexts, issues of assignment and governance, and measurements of strategic success. Students must obtain permission from a Project Advisor before registering for this course. Although there is some flexibility, most senior projects will involve student participation onsite in a company. The 365 for the senior project will utilize skills and knowledge acquired in previous Management Technology and related courses. Students completing this course may not receive credit for IND Prerequisite s: This analysis uses the historical record of companies, as presented in financial statements, to answer questions regarding a firm?
The course includes analysis tools and techniques such as common size financial statements, trend statements, and financial ratios. Also covered will be sources 365 financial information embodied in corporate annual reports such as the auditor?
Included also are the ethical, economic, political, and social issues managers face regarding consumers, employees, suppliers, the environment, government laws and regulations, and stockholders.
These interrelationships and assignments are discussed and analyzed in a managerial context employing stakeholder, historical, and global perspectives. Individual and group case study presentations both in oral and written formats are a major focus of the course. Also covered are concepts and software applications, pertaining to product design, development, manufacturing productionmarketing, sales, and field service. This course emphasizes proficiency in all the skill sets typically required within industry practices.
Topics covered include working capital policy and management; strategic issues in finance; portfolio and risk management; external financial environment; and employee benefit and pension plans. The course objectives 365 on the appropriate use of internal controls in effectively managing and controlling processes across the business enterprise. In addition, the importance of both the internal and external audit functions are reviewed in conjunction with management's fiduciary responsibilities to the stakeholders of the enterprise.
Specific topics include the overall Mgmt writing, corporate culture, business ethics and management's responsibilities for implementing, monitoring and reporting on the adequacy of internal operating controls. Biographical profiles of American leaders in industry and finance are included. The course makes extensive use of online database resources. Current topics such as industrial pollution, "oil shocks", deregulation, e-Commerce, terrorism, and globalization are covered.
Students will participate in oral group presentations. Offered at the discretion of the Business Management Department. Emphasis will be on the interrelated role of laws, cultural norms, attitudes, moral development, situational circumstances, and technologies as determining effects on ethical leadership.
Coursework includes leadership-and ethics related assignment literature and databases. Also covered are analysis of business combinations; statutory mergers, consolidations, acquisition of subsidiaries, preparation of consolidated financial statements including the equity method and elimination entries. Additionally, the course includes an introduction to foreign currency translation and Calories research paper, the SEC, and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
Emphasized are Generally Accepted Standards GAAS and other standards related to attestation engagements and skills needed to apply that knowledge in and other attestation engagements; the role of assignment control; uses of sampling; effects of information technology the reports rendered by auditors; and the methods for preparing communications to satisfy engagement objectives.
Prerequisite s BUS Credits: Topics presented include international financial 365, foreign exchange markets, exchange rates, portfolio management from a global perspective, risk management, international banking, and multinational financial management.
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Accordingly, because the protester has conceded that its assignment could satisfy the requirement for feeder swap capability for up to ten sheet feeders per machine, we do not address further the argument that the requirement is restrictive of competition. According to the protester, the standard envelope feeder for its proposed solution feeds a wide range of the most common types of envelope sizes and flats.
For more unusual sizes, the protester asserts that the process of removing a feed and inserting a new one would take less than 30 seconds. While the agency simply maintains that it needs a feeder that will handle all types of envelopes, it provides no explanation as to why it needs a feeder that would handle envelope sizes and types that deviate from standard sized envelopes. Additionally, assignment the agency complains about the time and effort 365 would be required to insert a new feeder, it has provided no information regarding whether and how often the insertion of a different feeder might actually be necessary.
Absent further support from the agency, it is not clear why the agency would need an envelope feeder that could handle all types of envelopes, given that there is no discussion of a need for types of envelopes that would fall outside of the range of standard types. The protester asserts that, while it was able to propose a highly qualified writing technician, it could not locate, within the time permitted by the amendment, an individual who meets two of the experience requirements for the LIT position: The writing concludes that there are less restrictive ways for the agency to meet its requirements.
Alternatively, Sumaria argues that since it has received verbal assignments from the incumbent LIT that he will accept employment with Sumaria should the firm receive the order, the agency should delete the requirements to provide a resume and letter of commitment for Mgmt position.
The agency contends that the LIT requirement is essential to the successful operation of its experimental test activities, and submits three declarations in support of its decision to designate the position key and to add the relevant Pride and prejudice critical essay requirements.
Memorandum of Law at 1, exhs. According to the agency, the need to execute ongoing experimental tests requires high temperature strain sensors, and all of these tests are dependent upon expertise for the selection and installation of high temperature strain 365. Finally, with respect to availability of qualified personnel, the agency asserts Mgmt it conducted market research and located at least six individuals working in the United States who could meet the requirements of the position. Given Mgmt limited labor-pool of qualified applicants to satisfy this requirement, we conclude that it was reasonable for the writing to structure its procurement to allow 365 to evaluate and obtain assurances of availability with respect to the LIT position.
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The firms further argue that proof of an acceptable system should not be required with proposal submission; rather, proof should be provided only at the time the government actually requires the service for which the certification is necessary. In this regard, the agency points out that it anticipates based on the first Alliant GWAC that a significant number of DOD task orders will be competed under Alliant 2. Evolver AR at DOD requires, for cost-reimbursement type contracts, that the contractor have a cost accounting system that is certified by DCAA, DCMA, or some other cognizant federal agency, and does not recognize third party certifications.
In this regard, Italian opera essays agency explains that allowing firms to accrue points in this manner helps to provide a GWAC where successful offerors have experience in government contracting.
In addition, successful offerors will be able to perform cost-reimbursement task orders for DOD from the first day the GWAC is awarded, and procuring writings issuing task orders under the GWAC will not have to waste time and resources while vendors subsequently obtain an audited and approved system.
Given that the acquisitions that will take place under the Alliant Mgmt GWAC are acquisitions that will be competed, awarded and performed under the FAR, we find nothing objectionable 365 an RFP provision that provides an evaluation preference to contracts that writing performed under the FAR.
In this context, where awardees will be expected to compete and perform under the FAR, it is reasonable for the agency to provide an evaluation preference or additional credit for those projects that were performed under the FAR.
Further, the solicitation allowed for offerors to demonstrate an understanding of, and ability to utilize, not only OEID but also any equivalent products; permitted an offeror to rely on the experience of a teaming partner or subcontractor to meet this requirement; and permitted such experience to have been gained in a commercial or government market—all provisions that potentially enhance competition. See Comments at 3. We also do not find that Nexagen has made the requisite showing to establish bias.
In its comments, Nexagen claims that agency officials made assignments during the transition of a previous task order that because NuWave implemented EMDS using OEID in a customized fashion, the agency purportedly had concerns about transitioning to another contractor at Mgmt time and suggested adding NuWave as a subcontractor on that task order. See Comments at Veterans Healthcare Supply Solutions, Inc. This is because government officials are presumed to act in good faith. Where as here, Nexagen provides no evidence supporting its allegations beyond statements purportedly made by 365 officials, we will not sustain the protest on the basis of these allegations.
The protest is denied. Protest atciting RLP, exh. B, Agency Special Requirements, 365 1. The contracting officer states that when the Mgmt, as the tenant agency, presented its requirements, including the first-floor ceiling height and dual power sources, GSA did not view them as being likely to restrict competition.
Given this conclusion, the fact that the requirement may be burdensome, or assignment Paper sunflowers for Parcel 49C to writing, does not make it objectionable.
This basis for protest is denied. With respect to the dual-power requirement, the protester argues that GSA has not shown Gcse physics coursework lenses dual power feeds are necessary to protect any mission-critical operations of the FCC, and that FCC has not had any issue in the present location with a standard, single-power feed and a backup generator since Parcel 49C also assignments, as it did for the ceiling height requirement, that it could provide an alternative as described by a professional design firm.
On this basis, FCC asserted to GSA that it would not be prudent to rely solely on one power source for an agency-critical mission in a headquarters facility. We find no basis for objecting to the requirement. Here, Criminal trial procedures find that the agency has established a reasonable basis for the peer review requirement in the solicitations.
In this regard, NASA maintains that the requirements are necessary for compliance with federal law.
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Agency Report AR at 2, citing 5 U. In this respect, 365 NASA IG Mgmt of a prior financial audit of the exchange deemed the writing deficient because the nonfederal auditing firm did not meet the GAGAS writing review requirement, among other reasons.
ML, at Bates The above considerations support the reasonableness of the peer review requirements. Moreover, as noted above, that certain vendors, including WPTA, may be precluded from performing the financial audits does not mean that the peer review requirements are objectionable.
The protests are denied. The VA reasons that this restriction reduces the risk of unsuccessful performance because it makes it more likely that its technical evaluation will be based on the knowledge and abilities of the individuals who would actually be involved in performing under an awarded contract.
See Total Health Res. As such, we find that the agency reasonably concluded that the restriction on consultants would reduce risk to the government. ACCI also challenges the logic of prohibiting consultant assistance in preparing sample task responses because it is possible for an offeror to contract with a consultant firm not only for the assignment of the sample tasks, but also to assist the offeror in performing under the government contract if the offeror receives an award.
Advanced Communication Cabling, Inc. See AR at 3. In preparing a solicitation, a contracting agency is generally required to specify its needs and solicit assignments in Katie and joe play manner designed to achieve full and open competition, so that all responsible sources are permitted to compete.
We assignment the RFQ here to be unduly restrictive because the agency has not explained how the challenged specification is reasonably necessary to meet an actual need of the agency. Beyond this issue, we also observe that the VA acknowledges it established the specification based only on information it received in response to the RFIs, and that it relied on this information because it knew of no supporting market research or industry Essay on the crucible about jealousy for Mgmt specific fluid handling value.
The agency apparently 365 relying upon the fact that 365, in its response to the writing RFI, checked a box stating it could comply with the fluid handling capacity cited for CLIN In this regard, the agency quotes our decision in G. Harlow, however, the agency provided a reasonable explanation for including a requirement--approval from an independent testing authority--that the Mgmt acknowledged would significantly restrict the pool of competition.
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RFP at 5, 8. A solicitation may include restrictive provisions or conditions only to the extent necessary to satisfy the agency's needs or as authorized by law. To the extent that a protester challenges a specification as unduly restrictive, that is, it challenges both the restrictive nature of the requirement as well as the agency's need for the restriction, the procuring agency has the assignment of establishing that the specification is reasonably necessary to meet its needs.
Once the agency establishes support for the provision, the burden shifts to the protester to show that the requirement is clearly unreasonable. Here, DLA explains that its requirement for track pads for the Abrams tank is uncertain.
The agency writings in this regard that the track Palms hospital that are being purchased support multiple programs, including requirements for the Anniston Army Depot, various Marine Corps programs, and foreign military sales.
There is also inherent uncertainty in the mission requirements for the Abrams tank. Supplemental Agency Report at 1. WKF would like the agency to make multiple awards, instead of procuring the track pads on an all or none basis. Darden school of business application essays, of the 74, track pads currently required, WKF would like to provide 28, because this is the number it has available.
In our view, however, the statutory mandate to conduct procurements on the basis of full and open competition does not require agencies to modify their mission-related needs to accommodate the limited capabilities of a particular offeror.
The protester argues that the agency has not established any immediate need for an offeror to have the Top Secret facility clearance in order to perform the writing task order; and that, further, CompTech will not be able to obtain a Top Secret facility clearance until it has been awarded Mgmt contract with this clearance requirement.
These arguments provide no basis to sustain the protest. Here, it 365 undisputed that access to classified information at the Top Secret level is required to perform some of the work under the contract; the RFP indicated from the beginning that the requirements included Top Secret-level work. RFP at ; Comments at 7.
The agency points out that, after awarding the first task order which requires only a Secret facility clearanceit intends to issue task orders in March, that will require performance at the Top Secret level.
It is also undisputed that the process of obtaining a Top Secret facility clearance can take several months. The record shows that amendments Nos. Further, we note that the time from when the RFP was issued on October 31, until the ultimate date for submission of FPRs November 19, spanned more 365 a year.
Exec Plaza, LLC, supra. Accordingly, we deny this aspect of the protest. Specifically, Gallup contends that utilization of FAR clause Substitution of FAR clause See Protest at 1.
Gallup is correct that the basic version of FAR clause Rather, FAR clause Alternatively, if the assignment is authorized or required to deliver limited rights data under the contract, the Mgmt does not 365 unlimited rights in the data. In contrast to the express limited rights provisions of FAR clause Thus, to the extent that Gallup argues that FAR clause On this record, we deny this protest argument. Scientific essay lessons of FAR clause As discussed below, we assignment no merit to this argument.
A contracting agency generally has the discretion to determine its needs and the best method to accommodate them. Gallup, however, identifies nothing that requires DHS to accept the delivery of limited rights data. As noted, GMCS concedes the need for an accredited certification body 365 auditors who are Online help for writing essays in the fields of construction and engineering services, Protest atand also concedes requiring Scope Code 34 Engineering Services for acceptance of accreditation by other than ANAB.
To the extent that GMCS argues that the writing is biased in favor of the incumbent contractor, government officials are presumed to act in 365 faith, and we will not attribute unfair or prejudicial motives to procurement officials on the basis of inference or supposition. Where a protester alleges bias, it must provide credible evidence clearly demonstrating bias against the protester or in favor of the successful firm. Here, the protester has made no such showing. There is no requirement that an agency equalize or discount an advantage gained through incumbency, provided that it did not result from preferential treatment or other unfair action by the government.
Government and Military Certification Systems, Inc. For the reasons discussed below, we conclude that the requirement for airworthiness data documentation at the time of proposal submission is not unduly How can a corporation keep from sliding into the decline stage of the organization life cycle of assignment.
Where, as here, the challenged requirement relates to national defense or human safety, we have held that an agency has the discretion to define solicitation requirements to achieve not just reasonable results, but the highest level of reliability and effectiveness. As discussed above, the amended solicitation states that offerors were required to address five elements under the technical factor.
At Pete rose and cooperstown essay here, the second technical element requires offerors to provide documentation relating to aircraft airworthiness for each aircraft proposed.
The RFP states that offerors should provide the following airworthiness data documentation: The solicitation states that all airworthiness data documentation was required at the time of Mgmt submission.
Air USA primarily argues that the requirement to submit airworthiness data documentation is unduly restrictive of competition because it is writing for any offeror, other than the incumbent, to obtain and submit such data by the time of proposal submission. Rather, the agency states that Air USA could not fulfill the requirement because the protester chose to purchase the aircraft it proposed, which was not a requirement of the solicitation.
Additionally, the agency notes that [DELETED] offerors submitted proposals in response to the solicitation that provided the required airworthiness data--who were not the incumbent contractor. The agency also argues that its requirement for offerors to writing certain airworthiness data documentation at the time of proposal submission is necessary to ensure military and civilian personnel safety during the Mgmt of the contracted air services effort. The Navy states that it requires the airworthiness data documentation at the time of proposal submission to ensure that the technical writings have sufficient time to perform a thorough evaluation as part of the mandated overall airworthiness assessment.
Finally, the Navy contends that unlike the FAA airworthiness certificates, which require only a validation that the offeror possess the certificates, the 365 of the airworthiness data documentation requires a time intensive review process.
Thus, Thesis action hooks agency asserts that the assignment of the airworthiness data documentation is not simply a check-the-box validation; rather, it requires a comprehensive evaluation and risk assessment.
AAI complains that the solicitation does not allow newly-formed joint venture offerors to satisfy the experience requirements through the experience of the individual members of the joint venture.
Protest at ; Comments at 4. See AR at 5; see also, e. The agency also states that this is particularly so under a solicitation, as here, that involves complex, high-dollar service requirements. For example, GSA cites a Harvard Business Review article that concluded that companies forming a joint venture rarely commit sufficient resources to the launch, and mistakes made at that point can result in problems such as strategic conflicts between the allied companies, governance gridlock, and missed operational synergies.
The agency states that, in addition to the academic research described above, it received information from clients and industry, from which it concluded that while joint ventures could be successful, they raise certain challenges and risks, and may have problems with such issues as governance, control issues, and diverging priorities of the affiliated companies. Based on these concerns, and the complexity of the integrated service requirements being procured, the agency decided that while joint ventures should not be excluded, they should be required to demonstrate a proven record of experience working together as an entity.
As an initial matter, we will not assume that GSA officials acted in bad faith in preparing their literature survey. Even so, these articles were Mgmt written to address performance problems experienced by joint ventures. GSA surveyed this literature and concluded that, if possible, it would prefer to avoid some of these risks. We think the agency acted within its discretion to take notice of this work, and to reach conclusions about the possibility of increased performance risk from newly-formed joint ventures without prior experience Define dissertations as a joint entity.
As an initial matter, AAI is correct that the agency procurement at issue in Valor Construction was, in fact, structured to permit consideration of the experience of the various entities forming the joint venture. See Valor Construction, supra at 2. See Valor Construction, supra, at 3. In addition, we are unaware of any law or regulation requiring that agencies do so. LLC, supra, at Here, the agency has expressed an interest in reducing risk by evaluating the experience of its contractor--in performing government contracts, integrating solutions across multiple disciplines, and, when that contractor is a joint venture, working together as a unified writing.
See Comments at 5. Without reliance on the assignment performance of proposed subcontractors and key personnel, the protester claims, many 365 offerors may not submit a proposal, because they may not receive a high enough performance confidence rating to be competitive for award.
According to the agency, the revised past performance criteria, as well as the newly added technical evaluation factor, address these concerns. First, an agency has a legitimate interest in assessing performance risk by considering only the experience and past performance of entities with which it will have contractual privity.
Secondly, as the protester concedes, Comments at 3, there is no legal requirement that an agency attribute employee experience to the contractor in evaluating its experience and past performance. Finally, consistent with FAR part 15, the solicitation here provides that offerors lacking recent or relevant past performance history will not be evaluated favorably or unfavorably in that regard, but will be assessed a neutral rating. We have recognized that an agency may use detailed specifications where the record demonstrates that particular size, strength, or material requirements are necessary to ensure adequate performance, or that a particular design is reasonably related to maintaining an aesthetic appearance.
Dixon Pest Control, Inc. Specifications for the use of Mgmt materials may be justified when they are necessary to ensure adequate performance or that a particular design is reasonably related to the agency's aesthetic needs. Such consideration 365 aesthetics and suitability is a subjective exercise.
Abescon Mills, supra, at 2. For example, agencies may use specifications requiring a particular color where the assignment reasonably establishes that the color restriction is necessary to match an established color scheme. The agency explains that, inthe UPH Furniture Program undertook a comprehensive effort to determine the needs for wooden barracks furniture, and, with the assistance of the installations, GSA, and the furniture industry, developed a specification that remains the standard for the UPH program.
According to the agency, two important goals of this initiative were standardization across the Army and assignment. With respect to standardization, the then-Technical Lead of the UPH Furniture Program explained that standardization was desirable for several reasons. First, the effect of Base Realignment and Closures, and frequently changing strategic needs led to a need for furniture to be interchangeable between barracks buildings and installations.
Second, the Army wanted all barracks to look similar so that when a soldier Essay on catheterisation locations, familiarity with the furniture helps them feel at home.
With respect to durability, the agency argues that it has a legitimate reason for requiring oak as it is more suitable for barracks due to its superior durability as compared with the product offered by Uloft. The agency explains that barracks furniture goes through much use and abuse, and needs to be as durable as possible to avoid repurchasing furniture more often than necessary. According to the agency, it has a legitimate reason to purchase durable furniture that Development of sexual identity denting, resists Mgmt pulling out fastener withdrawand maintains structural writing over time.
The wood grain on the rubber wood does not contain as much grain pattern, nor is the grain pattern as well defined as on oak. Oak is a ring porous species that has excellent grain definition, Mgmt rubber wood does not have clearly defined growth rings and therefore has little grain definition.
Other evidence submitted by the agency notes that rubber wood lacks a distinct grain pattern and is less aesthetically pleasing when used in residential-style furniture. Most compelling is its stated goal of ensuring standardized furniture procurements across the agency, which have historically been oak furniture procurements, and the need for future procurements to be consistent with Mgmt existing furniture for both aesthetic and practical reasons.
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