Stability of phenytoin iv - Phenytoin Sodium Monograph for Professionals -

Phenytoin Part 1

If administration of parenteral Phenytoin Phenytoin Injection does not terminate seizures, the use of other anticonvulsants, intravenous barbiturates, general anesthesia and other appropriate measures should be considered, stability of phenytoin iv. Intramuscular administration should not be used in the stability of status epilepticus because the attainment of peak plasma levels may require up to 24 hours.

stability of phenytoin iv

Nonemergent Loading and Maintenance Dosing Because of the risks of cardiac and local toxicity associated with intravenous phenytoin, oral phenytoin should be used whenever possible. Slower administration rates are recommended to minimize the cardiovascular adverse reactions, stability of phenytoin iv.

stability of phenytoin iv

Continuous monitoring of the electrocardiogram, blood pressure, and respiratory function is essential. The loading dose should be followed by maintenance doses of oral or intravenous phenytoin every hours.

stability of phenytoin iv

Ordinarily, Phenytoin Sodium Injection should not be given intramuscularly because phenytoin the risk of necrosis, abscess formation, and erratic absorption. If intramuscular administration is required, compensating dosage adjustments are necessary to maintain stability plasma levels.

Phenytoin Sodium

Monitoring plasma levels would help prevent a fall into the subtherapeutic range. Serum blood level determinations are especially helpful when possible drug interactions are suspected. IV Substitution For Oral Phenytoin Therapy When treatment with oral phenytoin is not possible, IV phenytoin can be substituted for oral phenytoin at the same total daily dose.

stability of phenytoin iv

For this reason, plasma phenytoin concentrations may increase modestly when IV phenytoin is substituted for oral phenytoin sodium therapy. Serum concentrations should be monitored and care phenytoin be taken stability switching a patient from the sodium salt to the free acid form.

stability of phenytoin iv

Phenytoin Sodium Injection is formulated with the sodium salt of phenytoin. Due to an increased fraction of unbound phenytoin in patients with renal or hepatic disease, or in those with hypoalbuminemia, the interpretation of total phenytoin plasma concentrations should be made with caution, stability of phenytoin iv.

Variations within the CYP2C9 gene that result in decreased enzymatic activity have been associated with increased phenytoin concentrations, as well as reports of drug toxicities due to phenytoin increased stabilities.

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Phenytoin induces metabolizing enzymes in the liver. This leads to increased metabolism of vitamin Dstability of phenytoin iv, thus decreased vitamin D levels.

stability of phenytoin iv

Vitamin D deficiencyas well as low calcium and phosphate in the blood phenytoin decreased bone mineral density. Antacids administered stability a peptic ulcer regimen may decrease the AUC of a single dose of phenytoin.

stability of phenytoin iv

Patients should be cautioned against stability use of phenytoin and phenytoin. Consider using other options if possible.

stability of phenytoin iv

This is accomplished by reducing the amplitude of sodium-dependent action potentials through enhancing steady state inactivation. Sodium channels exist in three main conformations: IM cerebyx is not recommended for tx of status epilepticus, stability of phenytoin iv.

stability of phenytoin iv

Cerebyx should always be prescribed and dispensed in phenytoin phenytoin equivalent units PE. Cerebyx has important differences in administration from those for parenteral phenytoin sodium see below. Products with particulate matter or discoloration should not be used. Continuous monitoring of the electrocardiogram, blood pressure, stability of phenytoin iv, and respiratory function is essential and the patient should be observed throughout the period where maximal serum phenytoin concentrations occur, approximately 10 to 20 minutes after the end of Cerebyx infusions.

If administration of Cerebyx does not terminate seizures, the use of stability anticonvulsants and other appropriate measures should be considered.

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© Copyright 2017 Stability of phenytoin iv - Detailed Phenytoin dosage will usually be necessary for rapid control of seizures because of the required slow rate of administration of phenytoin.-If IV..