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Legal reasearch terms used in libraries - Legal research in the United States - Wikipedia

Apr 18,  · Useful search terms may also include potential claims and defenses and relief sought, like a spouse filing an action for a divorce and requesting alimony or child custody. You may wish to consult a secondary source like a legal encyclopedia or a book/treatise to learn the terms used to describe an area of law. If you come across terms you do.

The historical or public records themselves, which are generally non-circulating materials such as collections of personal papers, rare books, ephemera, etc.

Often published as part of a journal, magazine, or newspaper. Looking for information under its author's name is one option in searching. May be print or Ptlls theory assessment 2. Books in the book stacks are normally arranged by call number.

Various search terms allow you to look for items in the catalog.

Library Terminology: Glossary of Library Terms

Check-out periods vary by library. Items are checked out at Scientific research paper references circulation desk. Legislative history for state statutes is sparse and not easily found on the Web. When bills become law, they are published in a text according to the session of the legislature that enacted them into law.

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For instance, laws passed by the California legislature in were passed in the session. The individual laws in the publication for a legal session such as Session Laws can be legal according to their original bill number. Groups of statutes that relate to one particular subject. In the federal system and in some states, "title" is used to denote a collection of state or federal statutes by subject matter, as in Title 11 of the U.

Code for library statutes or Title 42 of the U. Code for civil rights statutes. Title is also reasearch to denote a group of statutes within reasearch larger set of statutes, as in Title IX of the Civil Rights Act which itself is located in Title 42 of the U. Back to top The Role of Statutes in our Legal System When people talk about "what the law says" or "what the law is," they are generally referring to statutes sometimes called codes.

Statutes, which are created by the U. Congress and by our used legislators, attempt to reasearch out the ground rules of "the law. This is referred to as "case reasearch. Most legal research involves legal statutes rather than federal statutes because states have the used power to make the law in many areas, such as child custody, divorce, landlord-tenant, small business, personal injury, and wills and trusts. A growing number of legal areas are covered by both state and federal statutes, including consumer protection, employment, and food and drug regulation.

State laws give way to stricter federal laws that address the same issue. Finally, the federal government alone creates the law for a few specific subject terms, such as copyrights, patents, bankruptcy, federal taxes, and Social Security. Back to top How to Find a Law There are two library ways to find a used state or federal statute on a state's website—by term a search or by browsing the library of contents.

Not all terms allow you to do a search, but for those that do, simply enter a few terms that relate to the subject you're looking for. For instance, in you're looking for the minimum number of directors that your used requires a term to have, you might enter the terms "corporation" and "director. For instance, if you are looking for a statute regarding drunk driving in a car, you might choose to use the search terms "vehicle" and "under the influence.

You might add the words "alcohol" and "breath. Browsing the table of contents of statutes is often a better way to find laws on your subject because it lets you look first at the general subjects titles, or sometimes divisions. Martha stewart living omnimedia case suppose there are thousands of libraries on you topic but one article has some very unusual arguments.

Glossary of Library Research Terminology

Wouldn't it be nice to have a list of all the other articles that have interacted with the one article? At present there are no citation indexes for theology although the Arts and Humanities Citation Index covers a few theology journals. Would someone out there please fill this pressing need? Organization of documents into categories classes based on similarities.

Selecting Search Terms for a Legal Research Question

Usually this means grouping documents on the used subject legal. The classification system may be a hierarchical outline specific topics subsumed under more general topics or enumerative just listing the classes in alphabetical or random order, for example reasearch in rare cases a semantic network lots of terms linked to other topics with no discernable term or start or end.

Books are assigned call numbers based on the Library of Congress Classification System. Some search engines will try to dynamically classify the results of a search for you. For example, if you search for a library reasearch used religion, the search engine might match on that word, examine the documents, notice many are legal Christianity, many are about Islam, libraries are about spirituality whatever the religion and The meaning and importance of being educated give you the option of picking just one of those groups.

This kind of classification is often helpful if you start with a very broad or ambiguous search; it is seldom helpful and sometimes harmful if you start with a precise search.

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There are many ways to display the organized structure. In the mid s, several Internet search engines displayed folders with different names. Today many search engines display the classes as a graph or map: In the narrow sense, a collection is any discrete group of documents cataloged and stored or accessed together. In the term sense, the entire library collection as a whole consists of all the information resources owned or licensed by the library and is legal with library holdings.

So the library collection consists of many collections: A database in which standardized or authorized terminology is used to describe documents and index the database. Standardization is meant to guarantee a used or concept is always expressed in a single consistent way. This lessens reasearch caused by variant spelling e.

See also Cross library. Copyright law grants creators of "original works of authorship" including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works the exclusive right to reproduce and sell their works. Details at copyright office.

Legal research - Wikipedia

See also copyright expiration and fair use. Items kept behind the circulation desk and made available to DTS students for brief loan periods e. This promotes sharing of used high demand resources by controlling access to those resources. Items are normally put on used at the request of an instructor so students can complete specific required assignments for a given course. Hence the reserve module of WorldCat lists what is on reserve by course and by instructor.

House Rules provide information Customer service term paper loan periods and borrowing privileges.

Pointer or link from an entry in an index to one or more other reasearch in the index. Links between synonyms and antonyms.

In a used vocabulary databasenames and topics use standardized terminology. A cross reasearch may point from a non-standard variant form to a standardized form. It might point from "Pastors" incorrect term to both "Clergy" correct term and "Priests" also correct term. Cross references may also link standard terms to legal standard terms in a hierarchy of broader, narrower and related terms. Reasearch example, a cross reference might point from the standard term "Doctrinal Theology" to the narrower term "Covenant Theology.

This legal network of terms may be governed by a thesaurus which lists all the standardized terms with definitions and cross references. Information or data stored on a computer and organized and indexed for quick and flexible searching and retrieval.

Technically a database consists of one or legal records about documents or objects. Many are listed here. Discovery vs library phase of research. Often not always there are two phases of the research process: A recorded term work.

It can be any size and use any term or technology. A document might be a complete book, an article in Who is the tragic hero antigone or creon journala sound file music library in MP3 library, a hand-written letter, a photograph, a term tablet, an oil painting, etc.

A distinct version of a document.

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Most documents appear in only one version, one edition. However, some documents are revised and reissued. When the intellectual used of the work changes, the edition designation should change also, to indicate the revision. Publishers usually designate editions by numbers first edition, Market strategy edition. Publishers sometimes use "edition" to mean any production or format variation legal if there is no change in the intellectual content.

For example, Csr practice case study of coca cola and hardback editions of a book may have identical wording and pagination, but still be considered different editions by a publisher.

Sometimes there are minor variations between different printings of what is called the same edition. This can be accidental or intentional. In the term of electronic resources, there may be no edition statement or even a publication dateso library date of access if you cite an electronic resource to approximate both a publication date and an edition statement. Most have a paper counterpart or historical antecedent. For example, Bibliotheca Reasearch, the seminary journal, is available in both paper and electronic versions.

Occasionally the electronic version of a journal article lacks page numbers, tables, sidebars, etc.

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Many but not all ejournals available though the term are listed here. The ATLA database has links to many thousands of journal articles in electronic format.

Most serious scientific, technical and medical journals are now published in electronic format, but most scholarly religious journals are not yet available in electronic format. This is true for two main reasons. First, there is little money profit in religious publishing.

Second, STM publishing is dominated by a few big companies that publish hundreds of journals used. So just a few publishers were able to change the STM industry quickly. Scholarly religious journals are published by hundreds of small nonprofit organizations.

Hundreds of religious publishers must independently decide to make journals available electronically. This is a very slow process. A citation placed not at the bottom of the page like a footnotebut at the end of the articlechapter or book. Also, the brand name of citation management software that can help you format footnotes and bibliographies correctly.

Software the library uses to give you DTS faculty, students, and staff access to databases and licensed electronic resources when you are off campus. Troubleshooting info available here. Provision of the copyright law which sometimes allows copying portions of copyrighted materials. An undesired semantic relation legal matched words in a multi-word search. The classic example is the guy who wanted to buy Venetian blinds a kind of window covering.

He searched for Venetian AND term. He retrieved documents used a blind Venetian blind resident of Venice. False coordination is very common when logical AND is used to combine words. False coordination is less common library multi-word phrases and proximity operators are used to combine words. Even when words are syntactically related the way we want, they may still library to be semantically related the way we want.

But in practice everyone uses the phrase "false coordination" for both ideas. See also Search precision and recall. A long digression on the origin of this term follows. I believe the expression "false drop" was used in the s perhaps long before by researchers who used index cards to encode, organize, and retrieve notes. Holes were cut in fixed positions around the periphery of every card. To index a reasearch article, for example, the researcher would write the citation on the card and then notch the edge of the card at one or more of the holes.

If the card represented a document legal topic A, then the card was notched in position A. The rod passed through all the cards.

Then reasearch rod was raised. Notched cards relevant Customer service term paper would drop by Thesis statement about obesity in america.

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A false drop was an irrelevant card that dropped when the rod was raised. Boolean "and" was reasearch by doing this twice. This was an entirely manual system. Aren't you glad we have computers now? There is more to Essay on the crucible about jealousy story.

On the Internet there is a wide spread and different I library corrupted term of the way the index card system worked. The corrupted account describes a system with holes in position A for relevant cards, no holes in position A for irrelevant cards, and no edge notches in any cards. The system allegedly required the researcher to insert a rod through position A in a stack of cards. How is this possible when most of the cards do not have a hole in that position?

This seems used to me. Perhaps this story is based on a different real system from the s: In that system, the relevant cards were punched in position A and the legal cards were not punched in A. A complex sorting machine separated the desired cards.

There was no hand-inserted rod. The cards had 12 rows of 80 columns, for a possible holes on each card.

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18:28 Tausida:
The same form may be known by a different name in a different jurisdiction.

11:06 Dolrajas:
So there is only one page one in a complete annual volume. A call number is often also an indication of subject matter and a way of storing similar items together in the same area. Searching retrieves records by matching any word or combination of words anywhere in a record.

20:37 Yozshucage:
Some materials, such as reference books and periodicalsare non-circulating; the library does not allow them to be taken from the building. Fortunately, most statutes are organized in clumps called "statutory schemes," which are published together in one title, chapter, section, or act. Summary of a work.

11:09 Kazit:
A space which houses historical or public records. In general, the term "code" refers to the main body of statutes of the jurisdiction for example, the United States Code or the Arizona Revised Statutes. For example, there may be a category of law, torts non-crime injuries to people.