Accutane 90mg a day

Well it wasnt even the first month of me being on the drug and my face cleared up beautifully. Sure i got the odd zit or two but they went away quite fast. Now its been 3 weeks of me being of the drug and my face has started to break out again. Read More Hi Dr.

Rockoff, One more question about starting Accutane. I think I have read before that you don't usually see a flare up at the beginning of Accutane - but I wasn't able to find that post in my searching I'm going to be starting 20 mg Wednesday and I have a few critical work engagements in the next week. Are the odds good that I won't see a flare up? Is there anything one can do to mitigate one? Read More I was recently prescribed 10 mg of accutane once a day to treat my acne. I also just started work on a film.

Does it always make your skin look worse initially? Will the side effects be less dramatic on such a low dose? Should I discontinue use of the product until filming is over? After stopping the medication the damage was done. The depression went away after about 6 months. But I continued to have anxiety issues, heart problems, and social anxiety. I took this medication 7 years ago. And it wasn't until about 2 or 3 years ago where I finally started feeling somewhat normal again.

It caused anger spells and just does so much damage to your brain and you can't control your emotion". My eyes get very red during the day too if im wearing contacts. I hope this goes away or doesnt get too much worse if my doc ups my dose next month.

Other than the dry eyes, my lips feel just fine. I haven't gotten any new zits yet. My face actually looks better right now. Im soooo scared to get an initial breakout. Millions of people take accutane world wide and if what you say is true, we would have had scientific reports of this side effect by now.

What has happened is purely a co-incidence. I am sorry this might not be the answer you want to hear, but I can only speak from a scientific point of view Ask Your Own Dermatology Question Dermatologist: Did you get my reply?

The worst part is, the acne was just as bad as it had always been. This was extremely embarrassing, and I would spend upwards of 10 minutes in the bathroom each morning just trying to wash away the flakiness this will come into play later. After 3 weeks, I had had enough, and it wasn't helping. I decided to forgo any sort of treatment for a year, in hopes that I would "grow out of it".

Around rolled junior year of high school. I felt so bad about myself that I decided it was worth one last try. I really didn't know what was in store for me at this point, so I paid another visit to the dermatologist.

With an almost movie-like concern in her voice, she said to me, "if nothing else has worked, we do have one last option.

She recommended Accutane, and told me of the success stories that other patients had experienced. She showed me before and after pictures, where patients whose faces were even more afflicted than mine hard to imagine at that point had magically transformed into something out of a fashion magazine.

She warned me of the potential side effects including liver problems and hair loss, among many other things , sat my parents down for a long time talking about whether or not I should really go through with it, and really worked in the fear. But the results were so promising, so life-changing, that I had to do it. I took the plunge. The first thing I had to do was register with the "iPledge" program, because Accutane can cause severe birth defects and there was a strict "do not get or get anyone pregnant" policy.

I had to take monthly blood tests to make sure my liver was still functioning. Lipid screening and cardiovascular health in childhood.

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